Creating a shopping store on WordPress become very easy with the help of WooCommerce WP plugin and it allow you to manage your website products in a very easy fashion. With the popularity of online marketplace like Amazon, ebay, flipkart, etc. some of the creative store owners want to setup their own marketplace as well but without any compromise of WordPress user friendly environment.
In this article, we will cover some WP plugins which works with WooCommerce and allow you to create your own marketplace.
WC Vendors Marketplace

WC Vendors Marketplace WP plugin allow you to create your marketplace to sell your products like other available marketplace in the market like Amazon, ebay, Envato etc.
WC Vendors marketplace is a WordPress marketplace solution for WooCommerce by Jamie aka digitalchild. You can download its free version from WordPress Plugins directory and its paid plugin is available on WCVENDORS
It comes in three plans:
- WC Vendor Pro $199/annual
- WC Vendro Pro – One-time payment for lifetime

Key Features of WC Vendors Marketplace
- Easy to Use
- Fast, reliable support with active development team
- Multiple ways to earn money with marketplace,
- This marketplace allow you to setup commission to earn money
- With the help of WC vendor membership, you can setup membership plans on your website
- Support popular shipping methods like: FedEx, UPS etc.
- Support popular payment gateways like: stripe, square, paypal etc.
- Vendor Stores: Vendor can setup their store with unique url
- Fully SEO optimized
- You can setup store open/close hours
- Vendors can setup their social media profiles
- Vendor notice to advertise coupons for sale
- Easy to use and manage Vendor Dashboard
- Easy to handle product management
- Vendor Discount Management
For more details: Click Here
WCMP – WooCommerce Marketplace

WCMP (WooCommerce Marketplace) is very popular WordPress plugin for WooCommerce Marketplace. This plugin is highest 5 star rated plugin and it will help you to setup a online marketplace for your products and also allow you to make it multivendor system like Amazon, ebay etc.
WCMP plugin offers excellent customer support and provide highest level of security by providing regular updates. It offer both free and paid version.
Free version can be download from here.
And you can also use premium addon as paid services to increase the functionality of your website from WC Marketplace
Key Features For Vendors
- Frontend dashboard for vendors
- Weekly/monthly sales reports
- Setup your shop location using Google maps
- Unique Shop url for vendors
- Setup your Social media profiles
- Easy to use product management system
- Coupon Management
- Shipping and Tax Management
- Order Management
Key Features For Admin
- Automatic Online setup wizard
- Easy to customize vendor registration form
- Adding/managing/rejecting vendor application
- Upload knowledgebase
- You can decide design/template for vendor shop
- You can generate sales report for each vendor
- You can accept payment from customers using payment gateway
- You can setup products which vendors can upload on their store
- Automatic or manual approval for product submitted by vendors
- Automatic or manual approval for coupons created by vendors
- Block or suspend Vendor
- Hide/display vendor contact information
- Manage Shipping zones and configure taxes
- Configure Vendor Commision

Dokan is another very popular WooCommerce multi-vendor plugin which is available in free and paid version as well.
You can download free version from by clicking here and on the other hand you can use it’s premium version byclicking here.
Its premium version plans are as below:
Starter plan – $149/year
Professional Plan – $249 /year
Business Plan – $499/year
Enterprise plan – $999/year

Dokan is one of the best multi-vendor plugin with best front-end interface.
- It’s fast and easy to use
- A reliable growing platform and community
- A really scalable market
- Earn in multiple ways using commission
- Compatible with other plugins
- Frontend dashboard for each seller
- Earn from each sale
- Simple product management
- Detailed reports for important aspects of your marketplace
- Vendors has ability to manage and offer discounts for their products
Admin gets all the possible key features like the other marketplace offers. Some important features are listed below:
- View and manage vendor list
- View vendors earning reports
- Update and support option for vendor and customer
- Enable/disable map on store page
- Enable/disable contact form on store page
- Manage new product status
- Admin can set order status for withdraw
- Admin can setup threshold withdraw day for vendor
- Manage many widgets like: best vendor widget, featured vendor widget, store contact widget, store location widget and many more.
YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor

Yith WooCommerce multi-vendor plugin is specially developed to convert your simple woocommerce store into a multi-vendor system. You can take the benefits for multi-vendor system by allowing other users to register on your website as vendors and their stores.
In this way, You will have a large number of products on your website and multiple vendors will be managing their products on your website. It will increase your website traffic and your website rank as well.
Yith WooCommerce multi-vendor plugins comes in free and paid version.
You can download free version from using this link:
You can go for paid version with some premium features using this link as well
You can purchase single site licence at $99/year and move upto 30 sites licence at $299/year
Key features of YITH WooCommerce multi-vendor
Unlike the other popular multi-vendor system, this system also offers all the necessary and required functionality like: Vendor Registration, Shop setup, Product management, Commission management, payment management, coupon management etc.
But let me share few important features below as well:
- Easy Order management
- Very simple Shipping Management
- Order refund management System allow you to manage refunds
- Manage contact information and social media profiles for vendors
- Edit commission rate for vendor and for a single product
- Publish products for sale without super admin permission (customisable for each vendor)
- Advanced WooCommerce reports for vendor shops
- Advanced WooCommerce reports for admin
- Pay commissions via PayPal when WooCommerce order is completed
- Pay commissions via PayPal when a specific threshold amount set by the vendor is reached
- Pay commissions manually in your WooCommerce store
- Notify commission payments via email in your WooCommerce store
- Handle coupons: super admin can decide to include coupons in commission calculation or not
- Show a summary of all commissions and filter them using advanced filters
- Product listing: display vendors’ products in WooCommerce shop page or not
- You can manage WooCommerce Widget “Store Location”
- You can manage WooCommerce Widget “Store Quick Info”
- Customise header of vendor shop page
- Register a new vendor in front end of your WooCommerce site
- that each vendor can put on sale
- vendor can create his/her own coupons
- vendor can manage reviews of his/her own products
- Let users send messages about WooCommerce shop products to the administrator
- “New order” and “Cancelled order” email system for vendor (NEW)
- Admin can set a minimum value for commission withdrawals (NEW)
- Admin can enable/disable the option for management of WooCommerce featured products (NEW)
- Shortcodes for list of vendors (NEW)
- Show item sold and total sales information in WooCommerce single product page
- 100% compatible with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter to let your users filter also vendor’s products and pages
WCFM Marketplace

WCFM Marketplace (WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace) is another very popular multi-vendor WP plugin which use a different approach you setup your marketplace.
WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace (WCFM Marketplace) is the best free front end multi-vendor marketplace plugin on WordPress, powered by WooCommerce.
It offers different add-ons to setup advance functionality for your marketplace.
You can download its free version by clicking here.
and you can use its premium addons by clicking here
Key features of WCFM
- Most powerfull commission system
- Most flexible Shipping management
- Many Withdrawal options like: manual, automatic, scheduled.
- Extension payment options like: stripe, paypal, skrill, bank transfer etc.
- Easy vendor management system
- Product Management system
- Commission management
- Unique shop url
- Coupon management
- Vendor Shop contact form and details management
- Many cool widgets like: Live Chat module, Refund Module, Review System, Ledger Book, Reverse Management, Inquiry Module, Store hours, Store Policies, Store invoice, Support Ticket System, Single Product Multi vendor, Customer support, Store SEO
Final Thoughts
WooCommerce is a very popular ecommerce WP plugin to setup your store and with the help of WP multi-vendor plugins you can take your shop to a next level. WP multi-vendor plugins allow you to increase your website traffic, users (Vendors and customers) and products as well.
You can enjoy the benefits of commission and make your dream comes true to be like amazon, ebay or any other multi-vendor marketplace.
All the above listed WP multi-vendor plugins have all the required functionality to covert your simple shop into a multi-vendor marketplace and each are different with each other by means of their interface, usability and features as well because almost each has their paid services for either membership plans or addons.
I suggest, please review each plugin in details and use the one which fits your business requirements most.