Coronavirus disease or Covid-19 virus is affecting the whole world and has taken a lot of life already. Everybody is trying to know more and more about and that is why it became everybody responsibility to share the correct information with each other and help everyone to safe their life.
If you visit any website now a day, you will be seeing a notifications about Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates like which country is affecting by this and how many peoples are getting affecting by this day by day. These statistic data is helpful to share the awareness about this disease.
Do you have a WordPress website and showing Coronavirus statics reports on your website manually, and you have to change the information hourly, daily or weekly?
Do you have a WordPress website and want to share Coronavirus updated information with your website visitors automatically?
Being a WordPress content management system we can take the benefit of WordPress Plugin repository. There are WP plugins added to directory recently, which can help you to show COVID-19 live statistic data on your website automatically.
You will just have to download, install and active these plugins and you are done! In this article, I will discuss two plugins to fulfil your needs.
This WP plugin is made by ThemeLooks .

You can install this WP plugin on your website to show coronavirus (COVID-19) current cases and some more information about it as well. This plugin can show very important information on your website. Like:
- Total cases of coronavirus patient around the whole world.
- Number of cases found today
- Total number of deaths made by COVID-19 all around the world.
- Total number of deaths made today by this virus.
- Total number of cases recovered all around the world and finally
- How many number of critical cases upto now.
This plugin is very simple to use. You will just have to download this plugin from here , install it and active it.
Key features of this Corona update (Coronavirus live update) plugin
- This plugin shows world live statistic updates
- Live Statistic WordPress Widgets Support: To show live statistic information on your WP website, you will just have to go to widgets section on your website and you will find a simple widget to use on your website.
- Live Statistic WordPress Shortcode Support: You can show this live statistic information on your website any page by using shortcode for this plugin as well.
- Live Statistic WordPress Elementor Support
- Corona Awareness Popup: This plugin will allow you to show awareness pop about coronavirus on your website.
- Compatibility with wordpress 5.4+
Corona Virus Data WP Plugin

This WP plugin is also very useful to show the Coronavirus (COVID-19) case data around the world on your website. This plugin is also very simple to use. This plugin offers you to use simple shortcode [cov2019] or [cov2019all] and you can use this shortcode on any page/post on your website to show the information.
You can also use this shortcode on widgets section in your website and rest of the part will he handled automatically. Once you install this plugin on your WP website, it will give you very simple admin interface, where you can select your country or region. This option will allow you to show the case data of selected country along with the global data.
Using this plugin you can show below information:
- It will show global data which includes total cases, total death and total recovered cases as well.
- It will show local data which is information about the country (which you select from the admin panel). It will also show total cases, total deaths and total recovered cases as well.
Key Features of Corona Virus Data Plugin
- Very simple WP plugin to use on your website.
- Very simple admin interface.
- Shortcode Support: Use simple shortcode [cov2019] or [cov2019all] on any page, post or widgets.
- Latest WordPress version compatible
- Compatible with almost all popular plugins and themes.
Final Words
During this critical time where almost all countries around the world are fighting against this virus and you can find there is a lockdown condition in so many countries. It is very important to share the correct information with the people so that they can follow proper precautions to safe them and their family.
As and website owner, you can also aware your visitors with the correct information about this virus and how to take precautions as well. With the help of above WP plugins you can show the correct data about the current cases and more information as well.
GOD bless all countries, all countries people and I hope our scientists create a vaccine for this as soon as possible. Wish the help of this plugin aware all your website visitors with correct information and ask everyone to pray to GOD to save all of us from this critical time.