Hello Guys! Hope you are not well 🙁 due to some boat traffic on your website. Which will affect your website’s Search Engine Ranking. So guys are you planning to prevent your blog / site from lifehacĸer.com and few other spam bot’s biggest spam. So here I am ready with a new trick, which is KickBack Trick for Bot. So guys here we will discuss, How bot can affect your website’s ranking on popular search engines like Google, Bing. Hmm! so are you ready 🙁 , hmm, why you are sad there, Don’t worry dude i have best solution here to prevent it.
What is a bot & How it Works?
A bot is known as Internet Robot, Web Robot and WWW bot etc. So it is a program designed to run automated task in a timely manner. Robot can be use to grab content from your sites, this type of robots called as Web Scraper. I m too good in it 🙂 but just for dummy content. So lifehacĸer’s bot is a simple bot which is just visiting your website / we can say it just send HTTP REQUESTS. Hope you got what’s going on there with your website.

How Bot Traffic can Affect your Website ?
Here I wanna clear some doubts of your whenever we thought about a bot, we figure it as a Machinery Robot in our mind. Hmm! as I already told you these are just some program nothing else. As our web is much secured from last few years but due to all security things, we face this type of problem. So here I wanna tell you How these bots can affect your website.
Affect 1: Bots can damage your Search Engine Ranking.
Affect 2: For those who have cheap servers they can face a server downtime due to heavy load on server.
Affect 3: Basically they increase our server’s resource limit.
Affect 4: It can make a bad effects on your CPC / eCPM.
Affect 5: You can totally loss your website, if it will send some bad / harmful HTTP REQUESTS to your Website.
Affect 6: Last but not least Google can Penalize your site, due to High Bounce Rate on Traffic, which counts as fake content.
How to Prevent a Bot to Access your Website ?
If you are facing this type of problem at the moment and totally frustrated with bots and unnecessary HTTP Request. So Don’t worry 🙂 (For Indians “HUM ABHI JINDA HE MERE DOST” means “I am here to help you and get rid from this problem”). So here i suggest you to Get SSL Certificate, which can make your site bot infection free for lifetime. But anyway here are some free tips which will help you to get rid from it.
How to Prevent Bots Using .htaccess File ?
Here is a simple code you have to write on your .htaccess file, to prevent access of spammy bot and and kick back on their ASS.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://([^.]+\.)*lifehacĸer\.com [NC] RewriteRule (.*) http://www.lifehacĸer.com [R=301,L] </IfModule>
In this code instead of lifehacĸer.com you can use host url of any spammy host / ip too. And instead of .com just replace it by desired domain’s extension.
How to Prevent Bots Traffic Using Google Analytics ?
Here you can’t prevent bots but with this way you can keep alive on Google Search Engine Ranking. Otherwise google can penalize you. But as we all know these are unnecessary bots. So just follow below steps to get rid from this problem.
Step 1: In your web browser Open Google Analytics Account.
Step 2: After that click to Web Property -> All Website Data and Click to Admin Tab.
Step 3: When you will done with Step 2, Click to All Filters menu in left hand side.
Step 4: And click to Add Filter Button.
Step 5: Follow Below Screenshot , But must select Filter Type Custom.

After doing this task click to All Website Data and Click to Add button, when it will be done as explained here, Click to save button and get rid from this problem.
Conclusion : How to Prevent Bots Traffic
So here in this whole article we saw how a bot can affect our website very worstly but that’s not a reason to worry. As I tried to mention here how you can solve this problem within few minutes and keep alive always without frustration. Now the KICKBack Trick was we were Redirecting bots to their host, Hope you already got this why I told it KickBack Trick to Prevent Unnecessary Bot Access. Don’t forget to Like my Facebook Page http://fb.me/Mr.Rahul.Negi and commenting below.