ThemeForest is one of the most popular marketplace to sell themes, plugins, photos, audio, video, video maker, code, elements, graphics and tutorials as well. But it has most popularity for WordPress themes and plugins.
There are so many developers and companies registered with ThemeForest to sell their products and these numbers are getting bigger day by day. If you wish to sell your WP theme or Plugin on ThemeForest, you will have to follow their guidelines or standards of coding otherwise your product will get rejected.
I had read a lot of articles about it on internet and also meet with many developers who says that its very complicated to sell your product on ThemeForest, as their rules/regulations or standard are very complicated.
Are you one of such developer or company?
Frustated with your product rejection on themeforest?
Are you unhappy with themeforest pricing?
Are you looking for some other marketplace which can be your alternative of themeforest marketplace?
In this article, I will try to cover other popular marketplace which can be usefull for you to sell your WordPress theme, plugins or any other code as well.
ThemeForest Alternatives for selling or buying WordPress Themes and Plugins
InfoTheme MarketPlace

InfoTheme Marketplace also referred as “InfoTheme Pro” is a new marketplace to sell your any type of digital product online. This marketplace has very simple user interface and inviting all developers/companies rejected by ThemeForest to publish their products InfoTheme Marketplace. All new developers or companies who wish to sell product first time are invited as well.
Although this marketplace is new, it has all the important features needed for you to sell your products. Although, it is a new marketplace yet it’s getting popular day by day due to its unique product listing on website. Its Epoll product and QuixChat products already have thousands of active users.
If you have products which you wish to list quickly on a marketplace, I suggest this marketplace will be suitable for you. You will also get a premium support service.
You will get more than 90% commission on your each product sale.
Oh! I forget to share very important feature of this website with you. Once you product is listed on marketplace, You will be allowed to get “Customization Orders” as well.
Mojo Themes

Mojo Themes is one of the best alternative of ThemeForest marketplace. It has a long list of premium WordPress themes, templates and plugins for WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Tumblr and more on the MOJO Themes marketplace!.
Mojo Themes provide a marketplace for your premium themes, templates and plugins. You can create an account on here and list out your products. An expert team of Mojo Theme will review your product and it will be published on website after approval. You will receive upto 50% of the sale and another 50% will be taken by Mojo Themes as their commission.
You can increase your profit percentage upto 70% by increase your value of sale.
Mojo Marketplace

Mojo Marketplace is an upgrade version of Mojo Themes. Mojo Themes had limitation to themes, templates and plugins. Mojo Marketplace is the future of Mojo themes. Mojo team wanted to expand their boundary of limitation beyond the themes, plugins and templates.
Mojo marketplace born with the vision to buy/sell all kind of digital products available on the market. Mojo Marketplace allow you to sell any type of theme, template, plugin or any other digital product or services on this marketplace.
It’s a Big Marketplace with premium support service assistance.
Template Monster

Template Monster is one of the biggest marketplace available after ThemeForest. It has more than 3 million customers and you will find 26K premium website templates on this marketplace.
These figures prove the reach of this marketplace. This marketplace will be a very good alternative of ThemeTorest to buy/sell website templates.
To sell a product on Template Monster Marketplace you will have to follow some steps:
- Sign UP as an “Vendor” on website using this link
- You can scan it or take a photo of your signed vendor agreement and email it to Download the agreement here.
Once your account gets ready to sale. You can sell your products on this popular marketplace.
You will get upto 70% on each sale for “Exclusive Products” – your item will be sold only on Template Monster. This commission will be depend on sale volume as well.
You will receive upto 40% on each sale for “Non – Exclusive Products” – you can sell your product on different marketplace.
Creative Market

Creative Market is another simple yet popular marketplace to sell your themes and plugins. Once you create an account in this marketplace, you will have sign up as an seller, complete your profile information and now you are ready to setup your product here.
This marketplace follow the normal standard to review your products (themes, templates, or plugins) like other marketplaces and once your product get approval, it will be listed on marketplace.
Creative Market offers you 70% for each sale. You will be able to setup your product price yourself. In simple words, you will have a very simple yet attractive interface to manage and sell your products.

InkThemes is another new and popular marketplace to sell your WP themes and plugins. This market place has got very good popularity from 2018 and now it has more than 2500+ premium WP themes listed on it. These figures can prove its increasing popularity day by day.
Ink themes market place offers both free and paid products. If you are a new seller and want to list out free and paid products on marketplace, I believe this market place can be a good option for you.
Ink Themes offers you 50% of each sale made on marketplace for your products and their product review process is very simple. Most of you time, you won’t feel any difficulty to list out your products on marketplace.

AppThemes marketplace works in a little different way compare to other marketplace. AppThemes, allow its authors to create child themes for existing available AppThemes Products and sell them on marketplace.
In simple words, you can’t sell your own individual theme on this market place.
You will see a number of already available AppThemes products on marketplace and you will have to create child themes for them.
You will get attractive 90% for each sale your made on marketplace but remember that you are not allowed to sell these child themes on any other marketplace.
Yes, it’s a restriction but they are offering you 90% of sale as well J
If you are a developer who just want to make good money and don’t want to go here and there to increase earning. This marketplace will be a good option for you.
Codecanyon Alternatives to Buy WordPress Themes & Plugins
So here above in this post we have focused on some platforms who have facility to sell & buy WordPress themes or plugins. Now here we will let you know available other themeforest alternative marketplaces which have lot’s of products where you can buy them at best price or you can buy pack of themes at bulk. So without wasting time here let’s move to the list of best alternatives of themeforest marketplace to buy themes and plugins:
MyThemeShop Marketplace

A wide range of themes and plugins of this marketplace and 6,47,000+ Customers already bought their products from this marketplace, which means if you are buying there products you have lot’s of choices and huge trust cause more then half millions customers they have already. If we will talk about their products quality then they have awesome and simple ui/ux in their designs and use friendly back-end as well.
MyThemeShop is mostly known as best at their code speed, responsiveness and it’s unique seo friendly design. Their Quiz Plugin is awesome if you want to buy a plugin for quiz then go for their pro version and if you want it free then yes a free version is also available there.
Hence the word Trustworthy comes from 0.6 million Customers.
StudioPress Marketplace

Have you ever heard about Genesis Themes or Genesis Frameworks, Yes i am talking about the same marketplace it is an awesome Framework lightweight, fast speed template comes with advanced feature for blogging and multi purpose. So the Studiopress is the owner there of this framework, apart genesis they have lot’s of themes and plugins which are so responsive, user friendly and awesome. Having trust of 0.5 Million websites on Genesis Framework. I think you can surely go with them.
ThemeIsle Marketplace

They crossed their current milestone of selling themes to 4,00,000+ customers. And best thing about there team i personally met a team member of ThemeIsle on #Slack and i found how hard they are doing to make all these things possible 0.4 m+, If you are UI/UX Lover then ThemeIsle is one of the best choice for you. Neve & Hestia are their popular WordPress themes available free and paid both. They have a collection of perfect plugins which you can try and buy to boost features on your websites.
Elegent Themes

Oh! The Love <3 of Divi and I am the Lover of Divi, I think you guys having Divi Multipurpose theme into your website and it’s awesome divi builder. Yes the elegent theme is one of the experienced and oldest team in industry, They know very well it and having a good theme collection. Divi have more then 6,00,000+ customers in their platform.
And having more then half million customer which makes a big sense here which is go with trust and the Elegent Themes have awesome user interface in their products and yes best thing is you will get a free support their whenever you purchase their product. This might be best alternative here to buy divi and get whatever you wanna do with a single theme.
ThemForest Alternatives for Buying WordPress Plugins
So here in the market there are lot’s of marketplace available apart Themeforest / Codecanyon to buy WordPress Plugins, let’s move to the few marketplaces who really deals in awesome plugins, We are exploring all the marketplaces which are best alternatives of Themeforest do you know why? Because Themforest doesn’t provide real time support and people goes to refund etc. So better move to the list of these:

YIThemes well know as YiTh have become biggest customers served marketplace in the internet specially works on WooCommerce. I personally loved how they started this marketplace in last few years. They have best free and pro versions available for these plugins. YiTh have around more then 1 million users they have served a big line of customers in last few years. It’s an awesome marketplace as I ever seen.

Codester is another best CodeCanyon alternatives for selling WordPress plugins. Codester have wide range of seller and collections of plugins or modules. Codester have nice review policy you can get approved faster apart other marketplaces. This is pretty awesome user interface you can easily use it and it have also big customer base more then 0.1 million+ customers they have served in last few years. You must go with this platform.
We have discussed few very useful and popular marketplaces which can be very good ThemeForest Alternatives Marketplaces.
If you are new in developing themes, plugins or any other digital product, I suggest you can go with Infotheme Marketplace, AppThemes or InkThemes marketplace because they their product approval process is quite simple you will have higher changes to list out your product on these marketplaces.
If you an experienced developer or a company with very good past experience in product development then you can go with Template Monster, Mojo Themes or Mojo Marketplace or Creative Market option.
Good luck for your product selling!