Here today no time to trash talk as because this time to remove a virus or silly activity of cyber criminals, which is named as WannaCry Ransomware, As I belonged to India and here the virus making lot’s of inactivation in lot’s of internet services. So first we will learn today what is this ransomware and how much problem this virus. Before starting this tutorial here i wanna warn to those cyber attacker here:
So guys! what do you think, is it a right way to earn money? You guys are destroying lives of many beginners. Go somewhere else to collect bitcoins, and it seems an exchange offers of crypto strings. So don’t collect much crypto, otherwise this currency may create problems for you.
Now these cyber attackers are collecting lot’s of crypto currency, which can be a biggest part of terrorism. Because as my study on bitcoins somewhere I read this currency is used in Anti-Social Activities, Terrorism activity. So as far I can think world is in-secure now due to this change on web – security.
NOTE : Here I request to my readers please do follow below given steps and A request to all those who are crypto-expert /programmers please join/participate with me, to remove this and decry-pt this problem named Ransomware for ever.
So after lot’s of researches over internet on this unsolved solution I got some ideas to be safe / secure from this ransomware. So guys here i am going to share “An Idea to get Rid / Remove Ransomware from your computer”
Before going to introduce removal / safety steps I want to tell share something about this bad element of security which is named as Ransomware.

What is Ransomware ?
Ransomware is a virus which restricts access to computer system and it locks all your documents, music, pictures or video files, may be you have there lot’s of information in these files. But ransomware don’t care about this all, they demands an amount to be paid before 3 days other wise you will loss your data forever. It may be 300$ in bitcoins. Ransomware’s creator is kind person as he gave a long time period for poor people to recover data. So you can guess how much kindness he having inside the heart, I have lot’s of abusive words for that person but I can’t use it here.
How ransomware came to the Society ?
Ransomware is a virus/malware created by some cyber attackers / it may be a group of scammers, who are highly knowledgeable in CS / Computer programming. It can be enter to your PC through email, suspicious links in websites, suspicious content over webpage, It can be come through Hacked website or infected website. So don’t install or click to unknown .exe or .bat file. Ransomware can enter to your computer system anytime with these silly / innocence actions. WannaCry Ransomware can also enter via your computer network.
How to Know Ransomware’s Occurrence in your PC ?
It’s very simple to know about this virus, it will lock your computer and you can’t access to your computer, It will show something like this.

Ransomware Removal Tools
You Guys can remove ransomware tools thorugh, Ransomware Removal tools which are listed below. All these tools will help you to get rid from this virus. These tools will also give you information about the type of ransomware.
List of Ransomware Removal Tools
- Alcatraz Locker
- Apocalypse
- BadBlock
- Bart
- Crypt888
- CryptoMix (Offline)
- CrySiS
- FindZip
- Globe
- HiddenTear
- Jigsaw
- Legion
- NoobCrypt
- Stampado
- SZFLocker
- TeslaCrypt
How to be Safe from WannaCrypto Ransomware
So guys if you are still didn’t get this harmful Virus into your windows PC and want to be safe on your side & use all internet services without any hesitation. So just follow few steps to get rid from it.
Here with my researches over internet I got some cache of windows security, there over some open ports, if you want to get rid from this problem you can close all these ports 445, 135, 138, 139. You will see in command prompts these ports have a property LISTENING.
– Search “Command Prompt” in Windows Search.
– Right Click to Command Prompt and Run As Administrator.
– Type netstat –na & Press Enter
If you find the ports 135, 445, 138 and 139 are on and in LISTENING, you can disable them via following commands.
– netsh advfirewall set allprofile state on
– netsh advfirewall firewall add rule dir=in action=block protocol=TCP localport=445 name=”Block_TCP-445″ – Close Port 445
– netsh advfirewall firewall add rule dir=in action=block protocol=TCP localport=135 name=”Block_TCP-135″ – Close Port 135
– netsh advfirewall firewall add rule dir=in action=block protocol=TCP localport=135 name=”Block_TCP-138″ – Close Port 138
– netsh advfirewall firewall add rule dir=in action=block protocol=TCP localport=135 name=”Block_TCP-139″ – Close Port 139
So here were the commands to close all open ports from windows firewall. So you PC is now much secured then before but guys sometime in your system this virus can enter via clicking/ installing suspicious content. So here are some solutions which can help you to remove ransomware from infected computer system . Now we will let you know about it.
How to Remove Ransomware Malware / Virus
Here are some steps which can safe your data from wannacry ransomware viruses.
– Download Bootable Antivirus tools, which can remove antivirus such as Avast, Windows Defender.
– Make a Bootable Antivirus Pen Drive from another system.
– Insert Bootable Flash Pen Drive to your computer and open your PC in Safe Mode.
– After that you can set a scan to your PC with antivirus.
– After Completing Scan, Delete/ Remove all infected file and get rid from this malware.
– Now restart your computer an you will access your computer without any problem.
So here were some steps which can help you to completely remove WannaCrypto Ransomware Virus from your windows computer and now you guys can rid from this problem for ever till it again enter to your computer. So next time be aware about suspicious file downloads and suspicious link clicking.
Conclusion : Get rid from Ransomware
In this entire article I have discussed about WannaCry Ransomware, which definitely shows a cache of our security level. Guys really it’s a time of security because lot’s of scammers are trying to make something like this and they really demands an amount from you. Where you will loss your lot’s of money so we recommend you please be updated about your security / mobile security / pc security. So guys please keep in touch with me over facebook so I can share security tips with you when something goes wrong over internet. Yes i am a bit researcher and always work for your happiness here. So if you liked this post, please save someones 300$ and get a thanks, here we don’t demands any amount just share this article as far you can 🙂 .
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